2019年09月24日 09:05
2019 Tour of Poyang Lake S3 环鄱第三站快讯


On 9:00am, September 19,2019, the 10th “SINIC” Tour of Poyang Lake is held in Pingxiang-Wugong Mountain.


This year, the track is follows the classic three-lap winding mountain road design, which altitude is 600 meters. The first half of the winding mountain road tests the climbing skills, the second half of the downhill road requires higher car control skills, so the owners of the Jerseys might change.

        三圈赛程过后综合实力占优的塞缪尔(美国玛吉斯野生世代洲际车队)获得赛段冠军、汉沙(捷克布拉格斯巴达车队)与马太·卡伦(澳大利亚新南威尔士车队) 紧随其后过线、分获赛段二三。

After three laps, Samuel Joseph (WILDLIFE GENERATION PRO CYCLING P / B USA MAXXIS) , who’s more comprehensive, won the championship, HONSA František (AC SPARTA PRAHA) and Oleksandr Holovash (DINHAM Matthew Cullen ) followed him closely, won the second and third place.


Samuel Joseph (WILDLIFE GENERATION PRO CYCLING P / B USA MAXXIS) takes the Blue Jersey and Julien Louis Jean ( TEAM FRANCE DEFENSE) won the Polka Dot Jersey. The Pink and Orange Jersey’s owners remain the same.